Recite, beloved child, I pray,
With all your heart, recite,
That all your recitation may
Become for you a light,
For you to carry in your heart,
Illuminate your face,
Your hands, your feet, your every part,
With dignity and grace.
Recite with care, recite with love,
Recite with reverence,
So that a mantle from above
May shroud your innocence,
As it once shrouded and caressed
Our blessed Muzzammil,
Upon whose heart Jibreel impressed
This Ever Living Will,
Whose hand shall rest upon your head,
God willing, on the Day
When you face all you've ever said,
And all you'll ever say;
So say much from these pearls that shine
And glow with guidance bright;
Recite and love this Light Divine,
Recite by day and night,
And It, in turn, shall bring you cheer,
With all that's good and nice,
Your Light shall be the carrier
Of you in paradise.
And I'll be waiting near.