He walked from his shop through the dirt,
His hands bearing cuts from metal, and oil
Did streak down the sleeves of his shirt;
All traces of weakness fell from his face
To see by the door of his shack
His Rehmet in all her dignified grace
Just waiting for him to get back;
They shut out the twilight, bolted the door,
Then dined upon water and rice,
(The water in fact exceedingly more)
With salt as the singular spice;
Then Rehmet looked up at Baasha and drew
His blistery hands to her face,
To wash them in streams affectionate dew
That rolled down her cheeks in a race;
Ten thousand some miles away in the hourYour marriage is like a stake in the sand
When dawn is announced by a breeze,
There sitting beneath a clematis bower
Husna and her husband Aziz;
The question that Rehmet hid in her tears
And found not the words to advance,
Her sister in faith presented those fears
In much of the same circumstance;
If you were to die, and I to survive,
Or I were to die leaving you,
I worry the one remaining alive
May not really know what to do.
Aziz said no words, but dried off her tears,
Did Baasha, to Rehmet, the same;
The darkest of nights eventually nears
The dawn in celestial game.
That shifts with your every breath;
As long as you breathe, you must understand:
The thing that cements it is death;
He witnesses you as one, in His name,
As you bear the witnessing high,
Companions in life to always remain
Companions in life once you die.
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