Thursday, May 22, 2014

Scooping Up Tadpoles on A Sunny Afternoon

Just give me a balmy day with a sunny sky
And a stream and a bridge and no reason to be soon,
And a friend with a hand that refuses to stay dry
As we scoop up tadpoles in the afternoon;

I cannot tell what makes me happy more:
Is it the feel of tadpoles dancing in my hand,
Or just whining and pretending to be sore
That we might stay much longer than we planned?

The coolest thing about our time together
Is the way we didn't think about the weather
When the rain cut short our fun time at the stream;
There are always places you and I can dream

Of things to do 'fit were not for the rain,
If it be with you, it's easy on my brain.
Alhamdulillah! Until we meet again,
Alhamdulillah for friendships that remain.

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