I made up this bed time story for my son about a baby eagle's first catch. I render it in verse below, with a closing "Note to Parents" couplet ;-).
A long time ago, before there were trains,
Before electricity or aero planes,
There lived at the top of a mountain along
The shores of an ocean, a family strong
Of eagles: a father, a mother and child,
Three proud and remarkable creatures of wild,
That well loved each other, lived happily on
And so did it happen one morning at dawn.
You see, the young bird, Haytham was his name,
He'd learned how to fly, but didn't know game,
And thus he set out with his father this day
To listen and learn and to follow his way.
They flapped and they glided away from the shore
To where little Haytham had not been before,
And when they looked down, they spotted a pod
Of dolphins that swam in formation unflawed.
"Will that be our meal?", Haytham had to ask
So eager to start on his morning time task;
"Oh, no", said his father, "That creature you spy
Is too large a beast to carry and fly."
And so they turned shoreward and saw the sun fold
The waters in mantles of yellow
and gold,
Then dove down together and scouted the beach
And noticed a crab on a rock within reach.
Asked Haytham, "Will that be our meal?", as he eyed
The two muddy pincers that opened up wide,
"Another day, Haytham", his father explained,
"For more must be learned for more to be gained."
So westward again they flew over sea
And slowly descended till Haytham could see
The sizable quarry his father had sighted
Oblivious to the attention invited.
And then in that moment, the two eagles parted
For Haytham remained while his father departed:
His young eagle senses had grown to such height,
That all he could think of was locked in his sight.
So down Haytham swooped with both wings upturned
Immersing his talons that swiftly returned
With halibut catch so patiently earned,
Then upward he soared with the knowledge he'd learned.
There is but a Haytham in every child
With body and strength that the Fashioner styled,
We only need guide them to where they may find
What tends to the spirit and waters the mind.
To lead is to follow; to follow the blind,
You follow in silence and lead from behind.
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